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SOOO long;
06.03.06 - 1:12 pm

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
I have by the Security in Zellers.

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
Nope, I like rollarcoasters.

3. When's the last time you've been sleigh riding?
A few years ago?

4.Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Someone else.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?

6. Do you consider yourself creative?

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
Does it matter?

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?

9. Can you honestly say you know anything about politics?

10. Do you know how to play poker?
Enough to keep my clothes on.

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Gone longer than that.

12. Have you ever cheated on a test?

13. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around?
..Not a complete question maybe??

14. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?

16. Have you ever Ice Skated?
Yea, not a favorite past time though.

17. How often do you remember your dreams?
Almost every night, the occassional forget.

18. When was the last time you laughed so hard you were cryin?
A week or more ago?

19. Do you believe in love at first sight?

20. Do you know who Ba-Ba-Booey is?

21. Do you always wear your seatbelt?

22. What talent do you wish you had.?
I'm perfect at everything.
So maybe being able to see the back of my own head?

23. Do you like Sushi?
That's fish.

25. What do you wear to bed?
Whatever I wore that day.

26. Have you been caught stealing?

27. Do you truely hate anyone?

28. Rock and Roll or Rap?
Rock and roll I guess.

30. Have you played nintendo?
Pfft who hasnt'.

30. Do you have a relative in prison?
Not that I know of.

31. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?

32. do you know how to play chess?
Yea right.

33. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?
Yeah but it's all fun and games.

34. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?

35. Have you ever been punched in the face?
Adam punched me in the face the other day.

36. When is the last time you threw up from drinking too much?

37. Have you ever walked out on a movie at the theater?

38. Do you ever sit through a bad movie, just to see how bad it can get?

39. Would you consider yourself obsessed with anything/anyone?
LOL, Yea.

40. Have you ever met someone famous that you really wanted to meet?

41. Have you ever been stood up?
Just by friends.

42. When's the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
A few days ago?

43. Did you ever do something that you didn't want to, just to fit in?

44. Do you consider yourself "the biggest fan" of something?
The biggest fan of C B Driver.

45. Have you ever fallen alseep with both socks on but woke up having
either one or none on?

46. For gay marriages?
Why not?

47. Have you ever stood in the shower for 10 minutes just standing there?

48. Average hours you sleep at night?
Like 3 or four?

49. Ever got caught doing something you shouldnt be doing?

50. For distant relationships?
I couldn't do it.

***A R E Y O U***
1. simple or complicated?: So simple.

2. Gay? SO straight.

2. Hardcore? OBVS!! hxc right?

4. Honest?: Brutally too honest most the time.

***D O Y O U P R E F E R***
1. Flowers or Angels?: Flowers?

2. Deep or Shallow?: Shallow.

3. Color or Black and White photos? Black and White.

4. Lust or Love?: Love.

5. Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset.

6. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&M's.

***A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y***
1. do you like anyone?: Yes.

2. do they know it?: HOPEFULLY.

***D O Y O U P R E F E R***

1. being hot or cold?: Cold.

2. sun or moon?: Moon.

3. winter or fall?: FALL!

4. left or right?: Left

5. having 10 aquaintances who will have sex with you or two best
friends?: 2 best friends.

6. sun or rain?: Rain plz.

7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla.

8. boys or girls: Boiz.

***A B O U T Y O U***

What time is it?: 1:25 pm

Name?: Chelsee B Driver

Nickname(s): C B Driver.

***W H A T D O Y O U W A N T***

1.Where do you want to live? Somewhere warm but not too sunny?

2.How many kids do you want?: Zero.

3.What kind of job do you want?: Something I don't get mad at.

4.Do you want to get married? Maybe.

***U N I Q U E***
1. Nervous Habits? Worrying.
2. Are you double jointed?: No.
3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yah.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yes.
5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yep.
6. Do you make your bed daily?: Nope.
7. Which shoe goes on first?: Right.
8. How much money do you carry in your wallet? A few dolla'z.
9. What jewelry do you wear? Ears, lip, navel, nose.

***F O O D***
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: No.
3. Favorite ice cream flavor?: Vanilla.
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Like a million.
5. What's your favorite beverage? Water?
6. What's your favorite restaurant?: Somwhere sweet.

***G R O O M I N G***
1. How often do you brush your teeth?: Thrice a day, sometimes more.
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part?: A mess and parted over my left eye.
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? HA HA.

***M A N N E R S***
1. Do you swear?: Yea.
2. Do you ever spit: Yea.
3. You cook your own food: Most he time.
4. You do your own chores?: I don't get them often?
6. You like beef jerky? Ew.
7. You like pepsi or coke?: Coke.
8. You plan on going to college?: Nah.
9. You're happy with your hair?: Meh.
10. You own a dog?: Four.
11. You spend your money wisely? Probably not.
12. You're always making new friends?: Nah.
13. You like to swim?: YEA RIGHT! I can't swim.
14. You get bored so you call a friend?: Nah.
15. You're patient?: Nope.
16. You like this survey? Nah.

***L E T ' S B E H O N E S T . .***
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex: Nope.
2. Bought something:Yep.
3. Gotten sick: LOL.
4. Sang: Mhmm.
5. Been kissed: OBVS.
6. Gone on a date? Yea.
7. Felt stupid: Yep.
8. Missed someone: Yes.
9. Got drunk: I wish.
10. Gotten high: High on life baybee.
11. Danced crazy: I always do?
12. Gotten your hair cut: Yea.
13. Watched cartoons: Yep.
14. Lied: Yep.

***Last Person that...***
1. Slept in your bed: Me.
2. Saw you cry: Adam.
3. Made you cry: Me.
4. Went to the movies: Adam and I?
5. You went to the mall with: Debbie?
8. You talked on the phone with: Some client in cos?
9. Said 'I love you' to you: Brandon J. Payliss.
10. Broke your heart: B. Payliss.
11. Made you laugh: Amber.
12. Bought you something: Debbie.

***Have You Ever...***
1. Wished you were the opposite sex?: Yes plz!
2. Snuck out of your house?: A few times.
3. Gave money to a homeless person: Yep.

A - Age of your first kiss: 16
B - Band you are listening to right now: The Bled.
C- Crush: fashfight.
D- Dads name- Martin.
E - Easiest person to talk to: Adam.
F - Favorite ice cream: Vanilla.
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears: Bears.
H - How many bestfriends do you have? 10ish?
I - It's nice to know: I'm sweet.
J - Junior High: R.T Alderman.
K - Kissed how many: About 5 or 6?
L - Longest car ride: B.C to California.
M - Moment you can't forget: First kiss.
N - Nicknames: C B Driverrrr.
O - One wish: Be happy.
P - Phobia: Spiders, needles, being alone, ect?
Q - Quote: The sexiest thing a woman can wear is her smile - Paris H.
R - Reasons to smile: Absolutley everything.
S - Sexiest underwear : Black and lacey?
T - Time you woke up this morning: 8:03am.
U - Unknown fact about me: They are unknown for a reason.
V - Vegetables you hate: None.
W - Worst luck with: People.
X - X-rays you've had: Tumi, head, and arm.
Y - Years since you've been to church: about 4 or 5?
Z - Zebra: What?


yesterday - tomorrow

Chapter 1 - 02.10.07
Control Please. - 08.09.07
Oh Hi Nub! - 06.09.07
Festivalll; - 01.09.07
A B C.. - 28.08.07